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CSS Essentials

Image Properties

Preserve aspect ratioFill the container
object-fit: fill(default) == background-size: cover❌ (stretch)
object-fit: cover != background-size: cover✅ (cropped)
object-fit: contain == background-size: contain❌ (empty space)


Pseudo-class: Define a special state of an element

  • article p:nth-child(2): Select every <p> that is the 2nd child of its parent.
  • article p:nth-of-type(2): Select every <p> that is the 2nd <p> of its parent.
  • button:active: Select the button when it is clicked.

Pseudo-element:: Style specified parts of an element

p::before { content: '', color:... }

Reference selector

  • a[href *= ".com"]: Select những href containing ".com".
  • #sentence > p: Các p ở tập hợp con nhỏ hơn 1 bậc so với id "sentence".
  • .sentence + p: MỘT p duy nhất liền sau kết thúc của class "sentence".
  • .sentence ~ p: TẤT CẢ các p liền sau kết thúc của class "sentence"

inherit vs initial vs unset

  • inherit: kế thừa thuộc tính của các phần tử cha gần nó nhất.
  • initial: sử dụng style mặc định của trình duyệt.
  • unset: parentHasStyle ? inherit : initial

Layout modes

Flow (Default), Positioned (e.g. position: absolute), Flex, Grid, Table, Multi-column, Float


Only works in positioned elements, Flexbox, Grid, and Multi-column elements.
Note that the default z-index is auto which means a child element having z-index larger than 0 can mess up the stacking order of its parent with other siblings. To ensure the stacking order, set z-index of the parents to numbers rather than auto.

  • Root
    • DIV #1
    • DIV #2
    • DIV #3
      • DIV #4
      • DIV #5
      • DIV #6



Aligning Flex Items along the Main/ Cross Axis

Main Axis

justify-content and auto margins

Cross Axis

  • align-items: Align flex items along the cross axis.
  • align-self: Override align-items of the flex container.
  • align-content: Control how rows are positioned in multi-row flex and grid containers

flex property details

  1. flex-grow - MAX: Chỉ định tỷ lệ kích thước to nhất mà phần tử nên có so với các phần tử còn lại.

    • 0 (Default): Kích thước của các phần tử sẽ khớp với nội dung bên trong có thể ko lắp đầy hết Parent.
    • >= 1: Ví dụ có 2 phần tử: Child1: grow: 1, Child2: grow: 3 Cả 2 sẽ lấp đầy Parent nhưng Child2 sẽ chiếm nhiều hơn gấp 3 lần.
  2. flex-shrink - MIN: Kích thước nhỏ nhất mà phần tử nên có. Giá trị càng lớn thì phần tử càng nhỏ.

    • 1 (Default): Take up the same amount of space at all times.
    • 0: Bất chấp giữ nguyên kích thước, dẫu có phá vỡ layout.
  3. flex-basis - IDEAL: Kích thước lý tưởng của phần tử.
    Priority: flex-basis (limted by max-width & min-width) > width > content. Vì vậy chỉ nên set flex-basis cho flex item thay vì set width cho nó.

    • auto (Default): Dc tính toán theo nội dung và các phần tử khác.
    • 1000px: Trình duyệt sẽ hiểu là "Hãy cố gắng dành ra 1000px cho phần tử này". Cái này còn phụ thuộc vào nội dung của những phần tử khác - Nếu nội dung mấy phần tử khác mà to quá thì cũng chịu.

Width: min-content vs max-content vs fit-content

.box {
width: fit-content;
/* ... is the same as ... */
width: auto;
min-width: min-content;
max-width: max-content;


clientWidth, offsetWidth, scrollWidth

clientWidth, offsetWidth, scrollWidth

  • clientWidth, clientHeight: The visual portion of the box content, not including borders or scroll bars , but includes padding . Can not be calculated directly from CSS, depends on the system's scroll bar size.
  • offsetWidth, offsetHeight: The size of the visual box incuding all borders. Can be calculated by adding width/height and paddings and borders, if the element has display: block.
  • scrollWidth, scrollHeight: The size of all of the box's content, including the parts that are currently hidden outside the scrolling area. Can not be calculated directly from CSS, depends on the content.
  • scrollbarWidth = offsetWidth - clientWidth - getComputedStyle().borderLeftWidth - getComputedStyle().borderRightWidth


  • inline(<span>) vs inline-block(button, select, input):

    • Same: Size depends on content, can be aligned with vertical-align.
    • Difference: inline ignores width & height, accepts margin & padding but only horizontally. Vertical space it takes up depends on line-height. inline-block
  • block(div, h3, p): Take up as much horizontal space as they can.

  • flex, grid, none


  • absolute: The element is removed from the flow of the page and positioned at a specified position relative to its closest positioned (elements which have a position value which is not static) ancestor if any, or otherwise relative to the initial containing block. These elements do not affect the position of other elements.
  • fixed: The element is removed from the flow of the page and positioned at a specified position relative to the viewport and doesn't move when scrolled.
  • sticky: Sticky positioning is a hybrid of relative and fixed positioning. The element is treated as relative positioned until it crosses a specified threshold, at which point it is treated as fixed-positioned.
  • relative: Ở chỗ cũ như static, but now can be adjusted relative to itself, without changing layout (and thus leaving a gap for the element where it would have been) e.g. we can use left/right/top/bottom/z-index.
  • static

Without any z-index value, elements stack in the order that they appear in the DOM (the lowest one down at the same hierarchy level appears on top)

transform: translate(1px) vs left/right/top/bottom

  • transform: translate(1px): Move the element without affecting the position of other elements.
  • left/right/top/bottom: Move the element and affect the position of other elements if:
    • The element is relative positioned (not absolute or fixed as these remove the element from the normal flow of the page).
    • Other elements are positioned based on the relative element.

Box model

  • box-sizing: content-box : Size = Content Padding & Border làm width to hơn so với ý muốn.
  • box-sizing: border-box : Size = Content + Padding + Border.

border vs outline

outline is not a part of the box model. It is drawn outside the element's border. It doesn't take up space, so the element's width and height are not affected. Use cases:

  • outline: none to remove the focus ring

  • Overflow detect:

    * {
    outline: 1px solid #f00 !important;